Website Mission Statement
This Immanuel Approach website is designed to provide resources for anyone wanting to learn about, receive, facilitate, or teach the Immanuel approach (also known as Emmanuel prayer). Our hope is to provide an easy initial access point for beginners who want to learn about the Immanuel approach. This site is bursting with resources for those wanting to include the Immanuel approach in their ministries and practices, resources for those wanting to do teaching/training regarding the Immanuel approach, and connection information for those trying to find a facilitator or practice group who can help them with experiencing the Immanuel approach.
Karl Lehman M.D.

He has worked tenaciously throughout his career to integrate his personal Christian faith with medical science, modern mental health care, and his rigorous scientific training; and he has especially worked to integrate faith-based emotional healing with insights provided by psychological and neurological research. In addition to observations from his clinical work and extensive ongoing study of a wide range of research literature, Dr. Lehman is also deeply committed to his own growth and healing. He is constantly learning through the application of emotional healing principles and tools in his personal journey.
Furthermore, Dr. Lehman has been married for twenty-five years, and he and Charlotte work as a team to apply everything they learn about growth and healing in the context of their marriage.
This combination of decades of clinical experience, extensive ongoing study, and regular emotional healing work in his own life has provided an especially strong foundation from which to discover important new insights.
Karl and Charlotte live in Evanston, Illinois. They have enjoyed many books together as Charlotte reads out loud while Karl washes the dishes, and they have a larger collection of nature documentaries than the local library. Charlotte is a runner and completed the Chicago Marathon in 2008. Karl especially enjoys the beauty of creation as manifested in his salt water aquarium.
Charlotte Lehman M.Div
Charlotte Lehman completed a B.A. in psychology, cum laude, at Bucknell University in 1984, and a Masters of Divinity degree as valedictorian at North Park Theological Seminary in 2000. Charlotte’s responsibilities as a leader at their church have included preaching, leading retreats, pastoral counseling, prayer ministry, worship arts, and design and implementation of worship for young children. In addition to her leadership roles in the church she supports Karl’s work in a variety of ways.
Charlotte loves creative activities such as sewing, singing, dancing and choreography, drawing, banner design, and storytelling. She has had opportunity to use all of these interests in designing and leading worship for young children, and in other church responsibilities. Charlotte loves walking with Karl, just to be together, but prefers running as her exercise of choice. She has run 5 half-marathons and completed the Chicago marathon in October of 2008.
As a Team
We believe that our personal emotional and spiritual health greatly affects our ability to deliver good care. We are committed to the life-long journey of addressing our own emotional and spiritual healing and growth.