Immanuel Approach Book (Draft Version)

The final version of the new Immanuel Approach book is now available for purchase. If you are involved with the Immanuel Approach in any way, as a recipient, facilitator, or trainer, I strongly encourage you to get a copy. (See store page.) More than a thousand hours of editing went into the final version, so it includes improvements that are worth the purchase. (We are leaving this draft version on the website as a resource for those who truly can’t afford to buy a copy of the book. Another way to say this is, “If you can afford a copy, please buy one — this helps support all that we do.”)

Chapters 1-5 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 4/30/2013) This PDF contains the first five draft chapters of the pending Immanuel approach book. These chapters integrate material that was formerly in the essays Immanuel Approach (to Emotional Healing and to Life) and Introduction to the Immanuel Approach as well as new stories and teaching points. These first five chapters are currently the first place to start reading in order to learn the basics about the Immanuel approach. Below are the chapter titles:

  • Chapter 1: Eileen, Absence Wounds, and Ice Cream
  • Chapter 2: The Immanuel Approach, a Brief Introduction
  • Chapter 3: More Introduction (a Psychiatrist’s Journey)
  • Chapter 4: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced
  • Chapter 5: Zevian, Monsters in the Closet, and “BIG JESUS”
  • View PDF (47 pgs)

Chapters 6-12 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 6/5/2013) This PDF contains chapters 6-12 of the new Immanuel approach book which is currently being written. It updates and expands on what used to be the first several parts of the “Immanuel Approach Revisited Essay”. Below are the chapter titles:

  • Chapter 6: Positive Memories and Deliberate Appreciation
  • Chapter 7: Healing, Freedom, and Joy for a Crack Addict
  • Chapter 8: Refreshed Perception
  • Chapter 9: Ian, Immanuel, and Routine Parenting
  • Chapter 10: Engage with Jesus at Every Point in the Session, Regarding Everything that Comes Up
  • Chapter 11: Bruce, Intense Pain, Tough Questions, and Immanuel
  • Chapter 12: Immanuel Approach Troubleshooting Part I: Engage with Jesus at Every Point in the Session, Regarding Everything that Comes Up
  • View PDF (37 pgs)

Chapters 13-18 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 8/7/2013) This 60 page PDF contains chapters 13-18 of the new Immanuel approach book which is currently being written. Below are the chapter titles:

  • Chapter 13: Immanuel Approach Troubleshooting Part II: Basic Immanuel Interventions
  • Chapter 14: Immanuel Approach Safety Nets
  • Chapter 15: Formulate and Tell the Immanuel Story
  • Chapter 16: Chris, Birth Ordeal, and Immanuel
  • Chapter 17: Describe Whatever Comes Into Your Awareness (Our Brains Work Better In Community)
  • Chapter 18: Describe Whatever Comes Into Your Awareness, Practical Tips
  • View PDF (60 pgs)

Chapter 17b, Car Wreck Catastrophe, Tough Questions, and Immanuel

(New 4/25/2017) Chapter 17b presents an encouraging story that illustrates how spending time with Jesus builds capacity and how engaging directly with Jesus can address the toughest questions. (View PDF, 2 pages)

Chapter 18b (Draft): Intimacy with Jesus Is the Number-One Priority

As described in Chapter 3, I started my journey with the Immanuel Approach believing that the primary objective was to heal psychological trauma in order to relieve suffering. As also described in Chapter 3, Jesus told one of my clients, “I love my children, and I am glad to free them from suffering; but the primary, most important purpose of all this emotional healing stuff is to remove the blockages that are between your heart and me. The primary, most important purpose of emotional healing is to remove the blockages that hinder your heart from coming to me.” As I have continued to ponder these words from the Lord, I have realized that this intimacy-priority component of the Immanuel Approach applies to more than just the ways in which emotional healing removes blockages that hinder our hearts from coming to Jesus. As will be discussed in detail in this chapter, most of the components of the Immanuel Approach inherently prioritize our connection and intimacy with God. This chapter also shares more of my personal journey regarding intimacy with Jesus, and presents additional data supporting my conviction that intimacy with Jesus is the primary, most important, number-one priority for the Immanuel Approach and for our whole lives. (View PDF, 13 pages)

Chapters 19-23 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 12/13/2013) This PDF contains chapters 19-23 of the new Immanuel approach book which is currently being written. Below are the chapter titles:

  • Chapter 19: Tom, Mom, and Immanuel
  • Chapter 20: Facilitator Establish Interactive Connection, Constantly Ask God for Guidance
  • Chapter 21: Faith (In God’s presence, In God’s Goodness,In God’s Guidance, and In the Effectiveness of the Immanuel Approach)
  • Chapter 22: All Valid Emotional Healing Principles and Effective Emotional Healing Tools
  • Chapter 23: Ian, Inadequacy, and Immanuel
  • View PDF (22 pages)

Chapters 24-27 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 2/20/2014) This 57 page PDF contains chapters 24-27 of the new Immanuel approach book which is currently being written. Below are the chapter titles:

  • Chapter 24: Immanuel Approach Exercises for Groups & Beginners
  • Chapter 25: Let Jesus Drive (with Respect to Non-process Aspects of the Session)
  • Chapter 26: Intermediate/Advanced Troubleshooting
  • Chapter 27: India, Human Trafficking, and Immanuel
  • View PDF (57 pages)

Chapter 24b, Rwandan Genocide and Immanuel Approach Group Prayer

(New 7/1/2018) Chapter 24b presents a particularly dramatic example of how the Immanuel Approach can be used in group settings. (View PDF, 3 pages)

Chapter 25b, Remote Asia, Cultural Stumbling Blocks, and Immanuel

(New 4/25/2017) Chapter 25b is an interesting, encouraging story that illustrates how the Immanuel Approach can be a tremendous asset in any situation that includes cross-cultural dynamics. (View PDF, 1 page)

Chapters 28-30 (Draft) Of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 9/10/2014) This 28 page PDF contains chapters 28-30 of the New Immanuel Approach book. We are posting draft versions of these chapters as they are completed.  Below are the chapter titles.

  • Chapter 28: People Perceive God’s Presence in Many Different Ways
  • Chapter 29: Expect Steady Progress
  • Chapter 30: Rita, Attachment Trauma, and Immanuel
  • View PDF (15 pages)

Chapters 31-33 (Draft) of the New Immanuel Approach Book

(New 2/20/2015) Chapters 31-33 address the important concern that our own minds might be making up content that we mistake for God’s presence and guidance. They also look at other potential influences that can contaminate or distort our perception of God’s presence and guidance. Chapter 31 is geared toward beginners. Chapters 32 and 33 address intermediate and advanced material.

  • Chapter 31: Counterfeit or Contaminated Interactive Connections (Basics for Beginners)
  • Chapter 32: Counterfeit or Contaminated Interactive Connections (subtitle:
    Intermediate principles, tests, and tools)
  • Chapter 33: Counterfeit or Contaminated Interactive Connections (subtitle: Advanced principles, tests, and tools)
  • View PDF (89 pages)

Chapter 33b (Draft) “Is This What You Christians Do?”

(New 12/1/2024 Chapter 33b is a fun, true story about a non-Christian experiencing the wonderful, living, interactive, personal presence of Jesus. (View PDF 2 pages)

Chapter 34 (Draft) Prunes, Plums, and Immanuel

(New 3/20/2015) Chapter 34 is a fun, true story about someone perceiving Jesus presence in the ordinary moments of life. (View PDF 1 page)

Chapter 35 (Draft) Is the Immanuel Approach Biblical?

(New 4/3/2015) Chapter 35 provides an extensive look at the biblical foundations for various aspects of the Immanuel Approach. Topics include an exploration of the biblical theme of people perceiving God’s presence, the importance of deliberate appreciation in scripture, and answers to common objections to seeing God. (View PDF 19 pages)

Chapter 35b (Draft) The Immanuel Lifestyle

Chapter 35b expands on the Immanuel Approach for life, or the Immanuel lifestyle. This is a condensed version of the material that Dr. Karl and Pastor Charlotte presented at the 2015 Annual gathering, and it has especially been edited to synchronize with the rest of the material in the Immanuel Approach book. The ultimate goal of the Immanuel Approach for life/Immanuel lifestyle is getting us to the place where we perceive the Lord’s presence, and abide in an interactive connection with Jesus, as our usual, normal, baseline condition as we walk through life each day.  (View PDF 21 pages)

Chapter 35c (Draft) Memory-anchored Distortions, Hindrances, and Blockages

As mentioned in chapter 35b, and as illustrated by many of the story examples throughout the book, distortions, hindrances, and blockages that are anchored in underlying traumatic memories are very common and very important. We all have them, they are everywhere, they are surprisingly difficult to spot, and they exert huge-but-sneaky negative effects on our relationships with God. In fact, these memory-anchored blockages are so common and so important that I have devoted this entire (long) chapter to discussing them at greater length.  (View PDF 41 pages)

Chapter 35d – “Him Looks Like He Loves Me”

(New 4/12/2017) Chapter 35d is one of my favorite Immanuel Approach stories, about a 4 year old kid in Uganda who responds well to the simple, basic Immanuel Approach tools. (View PDF – 4 pages)

Chapter 35e – “Mountaintop Experiences”

(New 8/16/2024) Chapter 35e discusses how to correctly perceive the highs of mountaintop experiences (and enjoy them for the blessings that they are), how to avoid being deceived by the lows of triggered discouragement, and how to deliberately settle into a lifestyle of steady transformation. (View PDF – 11 pages)

Chapter 36 (Draft) Using the Immanuel Approach On Your Own

(New 5-29-2015) People frequently ask, “Can I use the Immanuel approach by myself, or will it only work with someone facilitating for me?” The simple answer is, “Yes, you can use the Immanuel approach by yourself.” Read this chapter to learn more. (View PDF 4 pages)

Chapter 37 (Draft) How Can I Prepare for Immanuel Approach Work?

New 5-29-2015 People often ask about any preparation they can do to get ready for their first Immanuel approach session, and they also often ask about any “homework” they can do between sessions to increase their ability to cooperate fully with the process during sessions. A thorough answer to these questions would require a medium-length book addressing most of the basic principles of personal and spiritual growth, but here are a few quick thoughts. (View PDF 7 pages)

Chapter 38 (Draft) Rich, CPR, and the Immanuel Fireman

(New 4/18/2015) Chapter 38 is a true story of someone who received deep healing over the pain of losing a friend. This story illustrates the way Jesus can show up in interesting, yet very personal ways. (View PDF 3 pages)

Chapter 39: Frequently Asked Questions

(New 6-13-15) Answers a variety of common questions. (View PDF 15 pages)

Appendix B: Where/How Can I Get Training Regarding the Immanuel Approach?

(New 2-6-19) Dr. Lehman’s thoughts regarding how to use the IA resources currently available to put together a do-it-yourself training package. (View PDF 14 pages)