Occasionally, when the subject of praying for healing of traumatic memories is being discussed, someone will quote Philippians 3:13-14 and 2 Corinthians 5:17, and then raise objections along the lines of, “Why are we wasting time and energy rummaging around … Continue reading
Category Archives: Immanuel Content
Is the Immanuel Approach Consistent with/Supported by Scripture?
As the Immanuel Approach has become more widely known, people have appropriately raised the question, “Is it biblical?” Our perception is that the Immanuel Approach, for emotional healing and for life, is clearly consistent with and strongly supported by the … Continue reading
Informed Consent and the Immanuel Approach
Many people have asked about when and how to use informed consent with recipients or clients who wish to receive emotional healing sessions using the Immanuel Approach. The following essay explains relevant aspects of informed consent and includes a sample … Continue reading
Translated Materials
We currently have a limited amount of material that is translated into other languages. Below is what we have to offer. If you are interested in creating new translations of material please contact us. Languages Chinese: DVD – “Six Condensed … Continue reading
Special Subjects/Advanced Topics
Immanuel Approach Community As described in chapter three of the big lion book, building and living an Immanuel lifestyle is so much more than just learning to facilitate Immanuel Approach sessions. Learning/building an Immanuel lifestyle can be challenging, practicing the … Continue reading
Example of Outsmarting Yourself Conference by Dr Karl Lehman
For more information visit www.outsmartingyourself.org Content: *Teaching about concepts from Dr. Lehman’s new book Outsmarting Yourself (very similar to the teaching Dr Lehman did at the THRIVE 2011 conference in Morton, IL). Concepts such as the pain processing pathway, implicit memory, the … Continue reading