This is a good example of the kind of experiences people are reporting as they incorporate the Immanuel approach into their daily lives – as they get into the habit of inviting Jesus to be with them, asking for help … Continue reading
Category Archives: Testimonies
Chris, Birth Ordeal, and Immanuel:
After two days (43 hours) of waiting, praying, and agonizing labor pains, Chris and Jen were exhausted and at the point of desperation. Jen’s dream of a natural birth was a foggy, distant memory, and they were both at the … Continue reading
Kent, Peter’s Death, and Standing in the Presence of God
One of the pastors of a Vineyard church in the Los Angeles area sent me the following story in an e-mail 6/10/2013: On July 11th, 2000, my eldest son Peter died at age 18 after battling Leukemia for three years. … Continue reading
“It was the best night ever”
An Iowa City Vineyard pastor just sent me the following brief Immanuel story, describing an Immanuel approach training evening she facilitated for her youth leaders shortly after returning home from our Evanston spring 2013 seminar for mission teams: “…we had … Continue reading
Eileen, Absence Wounds, and Ice-Cream
Ever since she was a young woman, Eileen had struggled with eating more than she needed, and was then also burdened with a corresponding chronic unhappiness with her weight. She had been able to lose weight on many occasions, but … Continue reading
Zevian, Monsters in the Closet, and “BIG JESUS”
Three year old Zevian first began to be afraid of monsters when he thought he saw one in his closet as he was getting ready for bed. His parents reassured him and showed him that there was nothing there, but … Continue reading
Special Subjects/Advanced Topics
Immanuel Approach Community As described in chapter three of the big lion book, building and living an Immanuel lifestyle is so much more than just learning to facilitate Immanuel Approach sessions. Learning/building an Immanuel lifestyle can be challenging, practicing the … Continue reading
Rita: Let Jesus answer the questions.
Another particularly dramatic experience teaching me to let Jesus drive happened this past spring (2012). I was facilitating a demonstration session in one of our mentoring groups, and about ten minutes into the session the recipient, Rita, asked a question. … Continue reading
Eileen, “She’s been sitting in Jesus’ lap.”
At the end of the session presented in the Eileen: “Immanuel Interventions” DVD, Eileen was in a three-year-old memory in which she was sitting in Jesus’ lap and listening to His heart beat as He spoke words of reassurance and … Continue reading
The joy of facilitating
I love helping people. One thing I love about Immanuel is that people actually get better, there’s tangible, measurable, remarkable fruit. So many mental health workers try to help, but see little or no change over long periods of time. … Continue reading
Healing, freedom, and joy for a crack addict
For those of you who know anything about addictions, this testimony is very encouraging. Being three years joyful and sober after twenty years of crack addiction is HUGE. “My appreciation story is this. I have been addicted to the drug … Continue reading
“…I have more freedom, more self-confidence, and I’m happier”
“[As] I have been receiving and giving Immanuel…I find that I have more freedom, more self-confidence and I’m happier. I have developed the faith and assurance that I can see Jesus, and these results are not just for me. As … Continue reading
“My Church says, ‘You’ve really changed!’”
I understand Immanuel primarily because I have received his healing for ten years through this approach. I continue to be committed to my healing work with Immanuel because I want to be free, I want all that Jesus has for … Continue reading
Enhancement of peak performance
Over decades of professional work combining faith-based interventions and state of the art mental health care, Dr. Karl and Pastor Charlotte have developed an approach to emotional healing that consistently resolves traumatic memories, and their resultant irrational beliefs and maladaptive … Continue reading
“There are not words enough to describe….”
“For years I have been praying ‘Father, I only want to do what you’re doing and I only want to say what you’re saying, and I know it’s possible because Jesus did it and he is our model.’ Sounds good … Continue reading
“I now sense that Jesus is alive and wants to be an integral part of my life”
Although I outwardly agreed to come to that first session, I was kicking and screaming on the inside all the way there. Following Pastor Patti’s encouragement to meet weekly, over the last couple of months Jesus has continued to expose, … Continue reading
“I experienced Jesus like I have never experienced him before”
I have had years of prayer counseling and was not prepared for the depth and power of the healing touch of Jesus in Immanuel. When Pastor Patti prayed for me on two occasions, I experienced Jesus like I have never … Continue reading
“He’s really with me!”
“After just a few sessions of Immanuel Prayer, I started to see good fruit in my life. I had new depths of peace, strength and trust. I found that my circumstances don’t change but I am changed. I have started … Continue reading
Seeing the living Jesus through Immanuel prayer
What an amazing privilege to have my eyes opened up to see the living Jesus through Immanuel Prayer. He is alive and always with me. To see his care and creativity for every detail in my life has been transforming. … Continue reading
More Emotional Healing For Non-Christians (12 year old meets Jesus and stops cutting)
Rhonda and Danny Calhoun, friends of ours and co-directors of Our Father’s Farm ministry near Kansas City, have also observed this same phenomena. They routinely use the Immanuel approach, and recently shared with us about their experiences with Sarah and … Continue reading
Emotional healing for non-Christians
Another exciting thing we have observed with the Immanuel approach is that it sometimes works with non-Christians, and when it does, those who have thereby experienced Jesus’ living, loving presence, and received healing from him, usually decide to follow him. … Continue reading
The Immanuel approach for attachment trauma – “Jesus is the one exception!”
Most therapists agree that loss of primary attachment figures during infancy (for example, one or more of the person’s primary care givers dies or leaves) is one of the most severe attachment traumas a person can experience. In fact, almost … Continue reading
Healing for attachment wounds
“. . . I saw one lady have her first experience with Immanuel – I saw God move her from appreciation to the awareness of God, and then take her to a place in her life where she had felt … Continue reading
Emotional healing for children
When Emme was nine years old, several girls in the suburb where her family lived reported men in a car pulling up beside them and offering to give them a ride. Furthermore, in one of these situations one of the … Continue reading
Routine parenting interactions
Dr. Ian M., a friend of ours and psychologist in Winnipeg, Canada, has been teaching his children about the Immanuel approach for life. He has talked to them about the truth that Jesus (Immanuel) is always with us, he has … Continue reading
Emotional healing in group settings for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
One of the most exciting things about the Immanuel approach is that several of the new components make it possible to design group Immanuel exercises that are both safe and effective. I have worked closely with our colleague, Dr. E. … Continue reading
Emotional healing for widows and children of pastors who have been murdered
In certain areas of Colombia, Marxist guerillas and various other paramilitary groups have been attacking the church, and part of this attack has been to target pastors for assassination. There are now hundreds of women and children in Colombia whose … Continue reading
Emotional healing for survivors of violent religious persecution:
David was born into a deeply religious Muslim family in a Muslim village in a Muslim country in southwest Asia, and his family members and neighbors became very upset when he and one of his uncles became Christians. Not surprisingly, … Continue reading