Ministry or Office Phone Number
North America
Morton Grove
Street Address of Office or Ministry Location
Ferris Avenue and Dempster Street
Zip Code or Postal Code
Offer Online or Telephone Sessions?
Training (Related to Immanuel Approach)
I have taken Alive and Well's Immanuel Lifestyle class and facilitated a video small group version of the Immanuel Lifestyle class. I have also taken Restarting, Forming, and Belonging and done Thrive Track I.
Licensed Mental Health Professional
Experience (Related to Immanuel Approach)
I have received Immanuel prayer for 4 1/2 years. As a writer and speaker, I have shared my healing journey (including Immanuel prayer experiences) in various formats and venues. As a learning specialist, I incorporate Immanuel Approach and Life Model Works principles and skills in my work with individual students.
Keywords (maximize search efficiency)
teacher writer
Additional Relevant Information
Looking for stories from parents, grandparents, and teachers: I am currently writing a series of picture books for children ages 6-10, that parents can use to teach their children concepts and skills such as attunement and returning to joy from the six big emotions. In order to write realistic scenarios, I would like to connect with parents, grandparents, and teachers who can share stories of situations in which their children/students experienced upset (anger, fear, sadness, or shame) and how you helped them work through the situation and return to joy. I look forward to hearing from you.