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NEWEST BOOK! (Introduction for non-mental health professionals)
This overview of the Immanuel Approach provides a very brief summary of principles and process, and more than twenty-five wide-ranging true story examples. The book is especially written for lay people who want to help their families and friends, pastors caring for their parishioners, and non-mental-health-professional emotional healing ministers. (Mental health professionals, please see the sister volume, below, written especially for you.) Note that this book includes a number new case studies (Immanuel stories) that are not included in any of our other books or resources.
Digital version, Pathwright purchase option (“online course,” just download the epub file) Hard copy, from Humble Shack
NEW BOOK! (Introduction for mental health professionals)
This short intro book very briefly summarizes the theoretical foundations for the Immanuel Approach, describes the basic process, and then presents case studies illustrating the MANY ways in which the living presence of Jesus brings exceptional skills, truth, and other healing resources to therapy sessions. Note that this book includes the same new case studies (Immanuel stories) featured in the introduction for non-mental health professionals (above).
This new book also includes resources especially for mental health professionals, such as a chapter addressing the question, “So if Jesus is now the primary therapist, what’s my role?” And a chapter presenting the research and case-study evidence supporting the efficacy of the Immanuel Approach, and explaining why it is appropriate to bill insurance for therapy sessions that include Immanuel Approach work. Digital version, Pathwright purchase option (“online course,” just download the epub file) Hard copy, from Humble Shack
Karl Lehman, M.D., a board-certified psychiatrist who has studied the mind and the brain for over forty years, has observed that both mental health professionals and faith-based healing ministers often fall prey to “false dichotomy thinking”—believing that mental health problems should be explained and treated by either biological brain theories and interventions or by non-physical mind/spirit theories and interventions.
In Mind and Brain, Dr. Lehman provides compelling evidence for the existence of a non-physical mind/spirit that is separate from the physical, biological brain, and then describes how these two phenomena are so profoundly and intimately connected that they that they affect each other in powerful and fascinating ways.
The mind-and-brain paradigm presented here provides a theoretical foundation that will supply concrete, practical guidance for both mental health professionals and emotional healing ministers as they care for those with spiritual issues, psychological trauma, and mental illnesses. Digital version, Amazon purchase option Hard copy, From Humble Shack
New to the Immanuel Approach? Wondering where to begin? Click here
Introductory Podcasts
Podcast with Dr. Shannan Crawford August 1, 2022 (Brain science and simple tools for connecting with Jesus, 25 min.)
Podcast with Keri Kitchen April 25, 2022 (The Every Day Royalty podcast, nice 45 min summary plus some fun extras at the end)
May 28 & June 4, 2019 podcasts with Cathy Little and Melinda Wilson (Face to Face Ministries).
Jan 25, 2021 Podcast with Kristin Cary, Part 1 (Living Truth Ministry)
Jan 25, 2021 Podcast with Kristin Cary, Part 2 (Living Truth Ministry)
Introductory Videos — Brief Summaries of the Immanuel Approach
Introductory Videos — Live Session Previews
These “Preview” versions of the live ministry sessions are the ~5 min “movie trailer” versions — just glimpses of the best parts. The condensed versions of each of these sessions, included in the Live Ministry Session condensed sets, are more like Reader’s Digest versions – all of the best parts in a lot more detail, but without the more technical pieces of how we got from one “best part” to the next. The “Reader’s Digest” condensed versions, with more details regarding the best parts (people interacting with the living, tangible, wise, loving, interactive, life-giving, wonderful friendship presence of Jesus), are especially effective for introducing the Immanuel Approach to friends, colleagues, family members, etc., and they are also fun and encouraging as faith-builders. Finally, the full versions of each session include the entire session, exactly as it happened. The full versions are ideal for those who are wanting to learn to actually facilitate Immanuel Approach sessions. For example, the full versions demonstrate exactly how to establish the connection with Jesus at the beginning of the session, how to coach the recipient to keep engaging with Jesus throughout the session, and how to troubleshoot when you encounter difficulties. They also include follow-up interviews that confirm lasting, observable, dramatic positive changes. To obtain condensed and full versions of each session, see the Store page.
Live Session Previews — Basic
Live Session Previews — Intermediate/Advanced