Translated Materials

We currently have a limited amount of material that is translated into other languages. Below is what we have to offer. If you are interested in creating new translations of material please contact us.


Additional Details

DVD- “Six Condensed Sessions with Subtitles” (in eight languages)

The international spread of the Immanuel approach to emotional healing and many requests for short examples of actual sessions have led us to produce six condensed live emotional healing sessions with subtitles in: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Korean, Spanish, and Swahili.

Ensayo- El Acercamiento “Emanuel”

En este nuevo ensayo proveo una introducción alternative al “acercamiento Emanuel” con el propósito específico de hacerlo más asequible a la persona laica común. Las primeras dos páginas proveen un resumen breve de los principios y procesos del acercamiento Emanuel a la sanidad emocional. Las siguientes seis páginas presentan historias de casos específicos que aumentan la fe e ilustran la efectividad de este acercamiento a la sanidad emocional. Las páginas ocho y nueve hablan brevemente acerca del acercamiento Emanuel en cuanto a la vida total, y las últimas dos páginas describen recursos adicionales disponibles para aquellos que desean aprender más sobre el acercamiento Emanuel. (Descarga el PDF, 11 pgs)

Immanuel: A Practicum

This 2011 book by Pastor Patti Velotta focuses on very practical teaching regarding how to facilitate Immanuel Approach sessions. (It does not try to duplicate the discussions regarding theory and supporting evidence provided in the big lion book and my website essays.) Some have found Wilder and Coursey’s Share Immanuel to be particularly understandable and usable, others have found the way I present material regarding the Immanuel Approach to be especially easy to understand and apply, and still others have found Immanuel: A Practicum to be the best fit for the way they think and work. The extensive appendices presenting strong biblical support for the Immanuel Approach are also excellent. As of December 2019, Immanuel: A Practicum is available in Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. Chinese is in process.